10/5/2020 Edit: I changed the account name from WillieCorleyArt to @TheWillieCorley.
I got locked out of my main Twitter account yesterday, then I made a blog entry on Newgrounds complaining about the situation. I was going to take a break from social media for the rest of the month, but I decided the best thing I can do is grow my alternative account on Twitter in case something like this ever happens again. The biggest lesson I learned from this experience is that I should not rely on one account for Twitter because the website locks people's accounts for the dumbest reasons imaginable.
I changed the Twitter handle of my alternative account to WillieCorleyArt. I will primarily use that Twitter handle for linking art from my Newgrounds account. One of my goals for 2020 is to get a new scanner so I can showcase art I have worked on this year. Once I have a new scanner, expect new art from me. ^_^ I hope everyone here has a super lovely day and thank you for reading this blog post.
-Willie Corley